Are you


Mondays: 12pm–5pm in Winkler
Tuesdays: 10am–3pm in Altona
Wednesdays: 10am–3pm in Morden
Thursdays: 10am–3pm in Winkler

Pregnancy can be overwhelming or amazing, or everything in between.

A positive pregnancy test, whether planned, unexpected or unexpectedly complicated can leave you feeling
nervous, alone, excited, scared and not sure what to do next or who to turn to.

The following list is commonly associated with early pregnancy, though not everyone experiences all of these symptoms.

*Please note, although these tests are very accurate, we are not a medical facility and therefore the results of your test need to be confirmed by a qualified health care professional.

  • I've missed a period
  • I feel like throwing up some times
  • I have to pee more often
  • I am more tired than usual
  • I am having mood swings

Free Pregnancy Tests

If you need to find out, take a free pregnancy test in a safe & confidential place. The test might end up positive or negative...its probably all you can think about right now. So make an appointment with us to find out.

This is a moment you will always remember.

Hey, guess what?

Pregnancy tests look for the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your urine, which starts to produce about a week after conception.

Your best first step is to talk with people who care and
understand what you're going through.

We will answer your questions and share accurate information on pregnancy, abortion, adoption and parenting.
Your best decision comes from knowing all of your options and learning about them in a safe, caring place.

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