You are

not Alone

Mondays: 12pm–5pm in Winkler
Tuesdays: 10am–3pm in Altona
Wednesdays: 10am–3pm in Morden
Thursdays: 10am–3pm in Winkler

Infant loss through miscarriage, stillbirth or death is a devastating experience.

There can be many unanswered questions about what has happened, or “what ifs” when a pregnancy traumatically ends.
Intense feelings, deep sadness and grief can feel overwhelming.

Friends and family can be helpful, they care about you and want you to be well but you might need more support than what they can offer. And that’s okay.
If you need someone to listen or help you find strength for the days ahead, you have come to the right place.

Your partner may also experience a wide range of emotions while trying to support and comfort you.  The feelings and deep sense of loss are real for both of you, and you may need a safe space to talk through your traumatic experiences either together or on your own.

Healing Our Pregnancy Experiences

We understand that losing a child is one of the most traumatic experiences any person could ever face.

Steps in HOPE is a support group for women longing to find healing and peace after miscarriage or losing a baby.

Sessions focus on sharing your experience with other women, learning to cope, cycles of grief, self care, honouring your difficult journey, and creating a keepsake.

To register for this free & confidential support group.

Contact Us


Although about 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, many women do not know where to go for help when they have experienced a loss.

Friends & Family

If you know someone experiencing miscarriage or loss, the best thing you can do is be available to them. Sit with them, grieve with them, but avoid trying to make sense of the situation on their behalf. Make space for them to walk out this journey and let them lead the conversation. A lot can be said without using words.

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